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30vs15 year mortgage

30-Year fixed rate vs 15-Year fixed rate For most home-buyers, there is only one type of mortgage; the traditional 30-year fixed rate type their parents had, and the path that several generations of Americans have taken to first-time home ownership.…

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Major Purchases For A Home

Major purchases after buying a home You just purchased your home, and now it’s time to move in. You may not have had the time to think about all the various things you will need to buy for your new…

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Denver Mortgage Rates

Denver Mortgage Rates   Mortgage rates have risen from 3.5% before the last election to 4.2% in early January 2017, and the National Association of Realtors suggests a possible further rise in rates during the year to reach 5%. “Nationwide,…

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Yearly Housing Market Trends

Yearly Housing Market Trends The housing market bubble that burst in 2008-2009 took many by surprise, with the bottom falling out of the market seemingly overnight. The good news is, the housing market recovery that followed starting in 2012 also…

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Easy home winterizing tips

Six Secrets to Help Winterize Your Home Winter time can wreak havoc on your home if you haven’t prepared for the colder temperatures. Here are some useful tips for winterizing your home before the thermometer dips into single digit temperatures…

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Renting VS Buying A Home

The Pros of Renting or Buying A Home You hear it all the time, that age old question “Should I rent a house/condo/apartment, or is it better to buy?” There’s no “one size fits all” answer to the question of…

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First Time Home Buyer Tips

After hard work and thoughtful consideration, you are ready to take that leap into home ownership and talk to Colorado Springs mortgage lender. Purchasing a home is a big commitment, and while it can be thrilling, it can also be…

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Can you afford a vacation home?

A Few Things to Consider Before Owning a Vacation Home Whether it’s an investment, a getaway, or both, a vacation or second home, requires not only extra money, but some planning. If you tend to spend your vacations and weekend…

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VA Home Loan Benefits for Our Military

Colorado Springs has a huge military presence. This presence includes not only current active duty, or in the reserve and guard, but many U. S. military Veterans and retirees that have settled here after they’ve gotten out of the military.…

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